Snap Out of It!

Attempting to capture a perfect shot.

Attempting to capture a perfect shot.

I find it incredibly easy to become depressed over what isn’t perfect in life, and usually, it pertains to relationships. Geeze, when is it really going to sink into my brain that nothing is going to be perfect this side of heaven? (Imaginary slap upside head).

Just today, going over in my mind (for the umpteenth time) the long history of a less than stellar relationship, I became morose from thinking, wishing, analyzing, regretting. Finally, I had to have a good talk with myself– I needed to snap out of it! In our imperfect world, we are assured of having disappointments of all shapes and sizes… I am wondering if I just accepted and expected misery and pain, I wouldn’t be so surprised by it!

Short of that slap upside my head, I began to think about all the good things in my life–it’s my way of foiling the Devil as we know he loves it when we wallow in the Muck of Our Own Making. I thought of all the ‘perfect’ things 101_2134God has given me, and oh my goodness, it is such an abundance!  A warm home, a food pantry over-flowing, a car that works, clothing, perfume, solitude, books, a sewing machine, time to pursue interests, a job, a husband, eyesight, health, just so much! So many blessings, so many good things outweigh the sad.  “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”  James 1:17

I realized that truly, we are our own worst enemies. Nobody can shoot us down or find as many faults as we can about ourselves. And nobody can make us feel as bad as we can. Time to throw off that old Devil–the Devil of Deceit! He wants us to believe that life is hopeless–okay, I admit, it can look that way at (many!) times–but if we know Jesus, if we know that we have the victory, that there is hope over depression, over failed and difficult relationships, yea, even over death!  Life on this earth is not perfect, nor will it ever be. It’s time to let those failures go and concentrate on the people who do reciprocate when we reach out. It’s time to move on and be perhaps even… JOYful.

101_2136That talk with myself was over in a matter of moments, and quicker than greased lightning, I was back on the right track: the Thankful Track. The older I get the more I realize how short life really is. We just have today, we just have this moment. There comes a time when we are responsible for our own state of mind–we must seize hold of what Christ has done for us and be a light for others. Let’s draw the moths to the flame! Amen? Amen!

“Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”  Philippians 4:8


Note:  I’m always attempting perfection with my photography!

5 thoughts on “Snap Out of It!

  1. You have found the only way of dealing with this…turning it all back to praise for what we have been given! God inhabits the praises of His people…not the murmuring, complaining and griping of His people! Always look forward to reading your posts. Keep sharing!

  2. Hi Joy!! Thank you for this great read!!!
    I needed this today!! So glad you are still writing for the Lords Glory!!
    God bless your endeavors to encourage others!!! Hugs. Hope

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